
List of desert detectors – all detectors ranked

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Detect the best detectors!

Desert detectors are about digging the most valuable item and selling it for profit. To find them in the first place, you must have a good detector to find. Here is the list of desert detectors, ranking all the detectors from best to worst.

All detectors in desert detectors ranked – Tier List

This level -list is not only based on statistics and cost, but also on how much value you get from the detector itself. In case you short money and do not want to grind more, redeem deserted desert codes to get free money and other freedoms.

Level Detectors
S Core detector, ringed radar, steel skull detector
A Demon -detector, prehistoric detector, signal detector, triangular detector
B Foreign Detector, Gold Detector, Silver Detector
C Copper detector, rust detector
D Dust detector

S tier – best detectors in desert detectors

The Ringed Radar is the best detector in a desert detector. In addition to this, you can also go for Core detectorAs it offers the best cost value in the entire game. Not only does it have the best range through all detectors, but it also packs decent speed. This allows you to rush to the item before anyone else does.

Detector Statistics Cost How to get Pros / Cons
Core detector Speed: 2.2
Range: 3.2
1750 Farm + Decent speed and range
+ Great for medium game
+ Low cost
Ringed radar Speed: 1.6
Range: 4.1
25000 An archaeologist + Excellent range
+ Detects precious items faster
Low speed
A steel skull detector Speed: 1
Range: 3.9
14000 An archaeologist + Good range
Low speed


Detectors at this level have no considerable opposites, so you have the right to go with the one you prefer. For example, if you want speed over range, select the Triangular detectorand if vice versa, the Signal detector It’s a great choice. Despite having the best statistics in the whole game, I lined up Demon -detector In the tier just because you have to buy it with robux.

Detector Statistics Cost How to get Pros / Cons
Demon -detector Speed: 7
Range: 10
R $ 795 In-game shop + Best speed and range
Can only be branch using robux
Prehistoric detector Speed: 2
Range: 3.2
17000 An archaeologist + Decent speed and excellent range for medium to late game
One of the most expensive detectors in the entire game
Signal detector Speed: 0.6
Range: 4.1
4000 Farm + Excellent range
Low speed will slow you down
Triangular detector Speed: 4.1
Range: 1.2
7500 Farm + One of the fastest detectors
+ Excellent to quickly find items
Low range

B tier

These detectors are great for early to medium game and will help you find some of the most valuable items.

Detector Statistics Cost How to get Pros / Cons
Foreign detector Speed: 0.5
Range: 3.3
5750 Farm + A decent range
Will slow you down
Gold detector Speed: 2.9
Range: 2
1000 Buffalo Bill shop + Good enough speed and range
A little expensive but worth it
Silver detector Speed: 1.7
Range: 2.4
450 Buffalo Bill shop + Great for medium game
+ Will help you progress through an early game quickly

C level

The detectors mentioned at this level are good only when you just start. Of the three, I would suggest buying the copper detector as soon as you have money for it and the leveling from there.

Detector Statistics Cost How to get Pros / Cons
Copper detector Speed: 1.7
Range: 1.7
275 Buffalo Bill shop + Low cost
+ Great for an early game
Appropriate range and speed
Rust -resistant detector Speed: 0.5
Range: 2
100 Buffalo Bill shop + A decent range
Low speed
Dust detector Speed: 0.1
Range: 0.8
Na Initial detector Lowest speed and range

This is a wrap on desert detectors. For more about the game, look at our guide from initial desert deserts

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