Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Mysterious Gift Codes

Mystery Gifts are special items that the developers send to trainers to help make their Pokemon journeys a little easier. They are available in every mainstream game and do not require their players to own a Nintendo Switch Online Membership subscription to claim.
Depending on when it's released, a Mystery Gift in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet can contain a number of things, from Pokémon to items. The developers sometimes give away cool stuff like legendary months after the game is released. Although they cannot be traded, they are still viable for collecting purposes.
All Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Mysterious Gift Codes
Working Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Mysterious Gift Codes (Active)
- NE0R0T0MC0VER—Redeem for Kitakami Rotom Phone case (New)
- SUPER EFFECT1VE—Redeeme for Expert Zone
- G0TCHAP0KEM0N—Redeem for 30 Fastballs
- WEARTERASTALCAP—Redeem for a Terastal Cap customization
- SEE NPALDEA—Redeeme for Gimmighoul
- SH1NYBUDDY—Redeem for Shiny Lucario
- NEWM00N1SCOM1NG—Redemption for Darkrai
- LA1CPPHANT0M4CE—Redeem for a Cherish Ball Dragapult
- SWEET0RSP1CY—Redeem for Sweet Herb Mystica or Spicy Herb Mystica
- L1KEAFLUTE—Redeeme for a Citizen
- Get with a unique code if you pre-ordered the game on Nintendo eShop—Redeem for an Adventure Set
- Get with a unique code if you bought the Double Pack — Redeem for 100 Pokéballs
Expired Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Mystery Gift Codes
- 23WCSGASTR0D0N—Redeeme for World Championship Gastrodon
- GETY0URMEW—Redeeme for a random Earth-type Mew
- NATSUN0T0KKUN-Redeem for various Sandwich Ingredients
- DARK EARTH0006—Redeem for a Dark Tera Type Charizard
- THERAPY CHANGE—Redeem for 50 Fighting Earth Shards
- LEVEL UP — Reward: 10 Rare Candies
- REV1VE — Reward: 5 Max Revive
- catch ball — Reward: 5 Nest Ball, 5 Dusk Ball, 5 Dive Ball, 5 Timer Ball, 5 Stealth Ball, and 5 Luxury Ball
- Get online—Redeem for a Flying Ground Type Pikachu
- THA12022CHAMP—Redeem for Shiny Grimmsnarl
- TREASURY WANTS—Redeem for 10 Nuggets, 10 Rare Candies, and 1 Friendly Ball
- PTCCHAMP10N2122 — Reward: Gastrodon at Cherish Ball with Ribbon
- R0CKANDBAT0N — Reward: TM116 – Stealth Rock & TM132 – Baton Pass
- ENJ0Y BATTLE– Redeem for TM82 (Thunder Wave and TM87 (Taunt)
- M0RESPEED—Redeem for 10x Coals
- LETTERS-Redeem for TM171 (Terra Blast)
- 1STCHAMPSV—Redeem for a special Oceania International Championship Garganacl
- TOKUSE1 TUDIO—Redeem for a Skill Capsule
- L0VEL0VEL0VE—Redeem for Two Ampilkas
- HAPPYVALENT1NO—Redeeme for Destination Node
- 1TSUPT0Y0U—Redeem for Link Points, Comet Fragment, Star Piece or Stardust randomly
- G0FR1ENDLYSH0P—Redeem for Link Points, Comet Fragment, Star Piece or Stardust randomly
- BEFASH10NLEADER—Redeem for Link Points, Comet Fragment, Star Piece or Stardust randomly
- ENJ0YG0URUMET—Redeem for Link Points, Comet Fragment, Star Piece or Stardust randomly
- MAKEWA2AMACH1NE—Redeem for Link Points, Comet Fragment, Star Piece or Stardust randomly
- READY 4RA1D—Redeeme for 20k LP
- HAJ1ME0R1G1NAL—Redeem for 10x Peanut Butter, 10x Prosciutto, 10x Hamburger, 10x Cream Cheese, 10x Noodles and Rice
Related: Pokémon Scarlet and Purple Breeding Guide
How to redeem Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Mystery Gift Codes
Follow the instructions below to redeem codes in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.
- Open your menu with X.
- Go to Poke Portal.
- Choose Mysterious Gift.
From here, you can now choose how to get your Mystery Gifts. One way is through the internet, and another is yours code. Online gifts are available to all players up to a certain period, while those locked behind codes are for trainers who have purchased things beyond the base game, event bonuses or even competition rewards. You can check all the Mystery Gifts you have received by clicking on Check Mystery Gifts in the same menu.
How can you get more codes in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet?
The developers of any Pokémon game periodically release gifts that all trainers can claim. Periodically check the official social accounts (such as Twitter) to receive real-time updates. If there are, you can receive them by selecting the Online option in the Mystery Gift menu.
But if you are looking for more codes, those are not publicly distributed in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. You may be sent a pair to participate in an online event, visit a real-life Pokémon Center, and other methods. In Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, most codes are only valid for one account.
Why aren't my Pokémon Scarlet & Violet codes working?
As mentioned, most Pokémon Scarlet & Violet codes are unique and can only be claimed once. If your code doesn't work, it may have already been claimed. There is also a chance that you entered the wrong code by mistake.
How to unlock Mystery Gift in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Poké Portal and the Mystery Gift menu will not be automatically available when you start the game. You must first progress through the story until you are allowed to explore Paldea freely. The Picnic menu will also unlock at the same time as Poké Portal.
What is Pokémon Scarlet & Violet?
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet is an open world RPG set in the vast lands of Paldea. With legendary Koraidon and Miraidon accompanying you, your goal is to travel the region and search for your own “treasure”. The game has three main stories that you can tackle in whatever order you like!
If you're looking for cheats for other games, we've got plenty of them here at Pro Game Guides! For example, you can look at Disgaea RPG Codes and Anime Story Codes. In the meantime, check out the latest news to stay updated on all the games.