Project Bronze Forever Trello and Discord Links

Project Bronze Forever is an action-adventure game based on the Pokemon franchise games. As its inspiration, you have to learn a lot about various Pokemon, consumable items and bosses to progress quickly in the game. For this, I recommend using the Project Bronze Forever Trello and Discord to learn about the game.
Project Bronze Forever Important Links
What is the Project Bronze Forever Trello Link?
Click the following link to use the Project Bronze Forever Trello channel. Use the board to learn all the details of the game, from individual Pokemon stats to key NPC locations. Study the details and become a better player than before.
How to use Project Bronze Forever Trello
Like most Trello channels, all the details about the experience are arranged vertically in a column fashion, containing various cards. Navigate to the card and open it to get the details you require. For example, if you want to know the details about the City of Chesma. Go to the Locations section and click on the Chesma Town card to learn various vital information such as items, NPCs and other Pokemon in the area.
What is the Project Bronze Forever Discord Link?
You can access the Project Bronze Forever Discord Channel using the given link. Here, you can meet thousands of other players like you to form a team and play. Also, it is the best place to learn about future content updates about the game from the developers themselves.
How to use Project Bronze Forever Discord

Using the Bronze Forever Project is a simple task. After jumping into the channel, you will find several text and voice sub-channels. You just have to join these sub-channels as per your requirements. For example, if you want to talk with other players, join the voice channel and chat with others. If you want to know the price of any item to trade, ask the question in the trade discussion section.
For more on Roblox, check out Unconventional Trello and Discord Links – Roblox or Battle Pets TD Trello and Discord Links in Pro Game Guides.