Rainbow Operators step into the fast-paced environment of XDefiant Season 1

I’ve been waiting for the Rainbow Six Siege collaboration, and it’s finally here. Rainbow operators will step into the fray of XDefiant Season 1. It will be interesting to see them handle the new fast-paced environment.
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is a realistic PvP shooter that is quite slow compared to XDefiant. This is especially the case when it comes to the R6 Defense Operators, of which we get two in Season 1.
The new GSK faction is the XDefiant equivalent of the GSG-9, the German counter-terrorism and special operations unit in Rainbow. The faction will include three operators:
It makes some sense that they didn’t add IQ since she can track enemy devices, and that could be considered too similar to the Echelon faction ability. However, it’s quite strange that they added Blitz when there are already Ghosts with a Shield ability (specifically also called Blitz Shield). Fans are not too happy about this choice either.
However, Blitz’s shield (not unlike Phantom Blitz Shield, although it’s already so confusing) has a flash built into it. Blitz is a Strike Operator in Rainbow, so I’m quite interested to see how he does on the defensive side.
The hardest skill to adapt to is Bandit (one of my favorite Defense Operators in R6), who can electrically charge reinforced walls and prevent Breachers from destroying them. There is no boost mechanic in XDefiant. However, Bandit can also electrify barbed wire, which you can see on the ground in several places in the trailer. We can assume that they will use his electricity to slow down and damage enemy players.
Jaeger’s ADS (Active Defense System) will be one of the most useful aspects of this faction. It can stop any incoming projectiles, like grenades, which I can’t wait for. The number of times I’ve died from grenades is insane. From all the details in the trailer for Season 1, GSK will likely be a deciding factor when it comes to defending one area of a map.
In addition to the R6 operators, XDefiant players will battle each other on the Clubhouse, Siege map. I’m not a big fan of it because I always forget to pay attention to spawn selection. Hopefully, I’ll survive more than three seconds on it in XDefiant (not very likely).
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