The Black Ops 6 teaser is the light at the end of the tunnel you’ve been hoping for

Ever since Black Ops Cold War was released in 2020, fans have been waiting for another Treyarch-led Call of Duty. Fortunately, it was confirmed early in the year that Black Ops was the next entry in the franchise; now we have the first teaser for Black Ops 6 and it is exactly what was needed.
For the past three years, gamers have been playing Modern Warfare games and their love for the franchise has taken a hit recently. So naturally, it’s great news that the masterminds at Treyarch have created one of the best Black Ops homages I’ve ever seen with this trailer.
This teaser is not just an ordinary video trailer; Treyarch has created an entire website teasing the upcoming Black Ops 6. If you go to that website, you’ll be greeted with an interactive image of a TV, complete with volume buttons, a record button (so you can download the video). to take a deeper look), a pause button, and even a power button if you’ve had enough of the weird images. The video that is playing shows a team of (Black Ops?) soldiers infiltrating the area around Mount Rushmore to deface the monument with a slogan: The Truth Lies. This clause could be the main meat of the Black Ops 6 story, but since this is just a teaser, it’s hard to tell.
There’s not much else I can see from the short trailer except for one thing: the ‘Channel’ buttons allow the TV channel to scale to six, which could indicate five more attempts over the coming days/months.
I’m sure eagle-eyed fans will be out in droves looking for all the clues and secrets that Treyarch has placed throughout the trailer. In the meantime, I can say that the classic TV is a clear nod to Black Ops 1, where Alex Mason was interrogated throughout the campaign. That TV was also the main menu in the game and had a little Easter Egg where you could wrestle out of your restraints and explore the small room. This throwback might be Treyarch letting fans know it’s time to return to form and revisit exactly what made Call of Duty the giant it is today.
One interesting tidbit I found while playing with the many buttons on the TV is that you can turn off the video with the power button to be greeted with an eerie soundtrack that may hint at the return of zombies.
That’s all we have in the new trailer for Black Ops 6. If you’re looking for more Call of Duty content, check out Ashika Island is cut from Warzone and fans think there was a better solution, MW3 Zombies’ Most attractive third mode’ anytime, minimal content scheduled, and more on Pro Game Guides.