
The Hunt Mega Edition Tower Defense Simulator Guide

Grabbing the Korblox vengeful empire in a tower -defense simulator for the hunt: Mega Publishing Event Quest can be a enough challenge. Especially so if you are a new player without a few good towers to support you. So, if you want to learn how to empty this challenge even with a preset tower squad, follow our The Hunt: Mega Edition Tower Defense Simulator Event Guide below.

Starting the hunt: Mega Publishing TDS -Event search

  • The portal that leads you to the hunt: Mega Publishing Event search in a tower -Defense simulator

To start the Tower -defense simulator Event search for the hunt, head to the Main event lobby at Roblox and enter the gate with the TDS in it. Continue, and you will enter a unique map made for the event. The event -seeking will be a breeze for TDS veterans. Only Make sure to bring some slows With you, because most enemies are quite fast.

How to complete the tower simulator defense the hunting event

Now, if you enter a Tur -defense simulator for the first time, take on the Korblox Vindictive Empire can be a completely challenge. However, there is a relatively consistent way to hit this stage, even with initial units.

To complete the tower -defense simulator the hunting event search with preset loads, follow these steps:

  1. Select the tactical load

    The Tactical load offers consistent damage and slow downwhat is a must in this challenge.Preview of the selection load menu in the hunt: Mega Publishing Event Search in Tower -Defense Simulator

  2. Customize most of your units near where the enemies strike

    Place some freezer towers near the entrance, And then start putting some mortars and activists. Upgrade all towers at least once And Activists twice so that they can treat hidden enemies.Preview of the Optimal Tower Tower when you use the tactical load in the hunt: Mega Publishing Event Search in Tower -Defense Simulator

  3. Keep putting and upgrade towers as you progress through the waves

    First, Priority to place five mortars and several activists in close proximity, with a commander in the middle of them. Frozen towers should be placed along the whole range of your other towers so that they can constantly slow down enemies. Military bases are pleased to have but not so important.Player Upgrading his Towers In The Hunt: Mega Edition Event Search in Tur -Defense Simulator

  4. Treatment of leaks

    If any enemies break your main defense line, Place a few freezers and activists to finish them. Also if you upgrade the military bases slightlyThey will start to fray tanks that are great as a backup.

  5. Attaking the corblox mortar level

    The Korblox Deathwalker Boss is born at the beginning of the 15th wave of the challenge, and it has 40,000 CV. As you fight it, you are constantly going to get a lot of money. So, make sure Continue upgrade units and build more freezers and activists.The boss Korblox Deathwalker in the hunt: Mega Publishing Event search in Tower -Defense Simulator

In case you will be removed during one of the last waves, You can buy some revival tokens for a very low amount of robux. In the end, after you defeat the Korblox -Deathwalker, you will be rewarded with the Token Defense Simulator Korblox.

And with that, you are ready to participate in the hunt: Mega Edition Tower Defense Simulator Event Quest, no matter how experienced you are. If you want to collect more hunting tokens then make sure to check out our complete The Hunt: Mega Publishing Token Guide.

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