Wartales Hidden Classes Guide – How to get them all

When you start out in the strategic medieval RPG Wartales, you'll find that most classes have three specialties. However, most classes have a hidden specialization that you can unlock, so read on to find out how.
How to get all hidden class specializations in Wartales
All of the seven hidden class specializations in Wartales involve the same process. You need to defeat the champion of the arena of a region and then talk to an NPC (in the same area) who will teach you the hidden class specialization. It doesn't matter if you talk to the NPC before or after beating the arena.
Tiltren District is the only region that does not have a hidden class associated with it, while Grinmeer has two. There is an arena in the small area of Mount Aldis. However, the Arena of Legends there is associated with the Power and Glory quests (part of the Power and Glory Path) and is the only arena not associated with any hidden classes.
How to get the Marksmen (Archer) hidden class.
Nairolf Arena, Ludern Region

The quest is called Worthy Descendants and you can take it from Corastos in Murwen Fishery. After you beat the champion in Nairolf Arena, Corastos will teach you how to train Marksmen. You can also buy the Training Dummy recipe at Nairolf Arena after you beat it. This is a great camping item that allows two companions to get bonus XP when you camp.
Related: Where to find trainers in Wartales (Map Location)
How to get the Halberdier (Spearman) hidden class.
Arthes Harbour, District of Arthes

You must go to the Church of Saint Septimus in the city of Cortia to take the quest of Priest of Light Sipphar (the quest is called An eye for an eye). The arena is hidden on a small island that is only accessible by examining the caves in Shipwreck Cavern. The priest will teach you the Assassin class after you defeat every opponent in the arena. You can also read my complete build guide for the Halberdist.
How to get the Assassin (Guardian) hidden class.
Smot's Arena, Vertruse Province

Go to the Vertrusian Windmill and talk to rower take the Gladiator Legacy search Beat all comers in Smot's Arena, return to Rowman, and he will teach you how to be an Assassin. Read my full guide to the Assassin class here.
How to get the hidden Duelist (Fencer) class.
Berna's Arena, Grinmeer Province

You must complete the Former Glory quest to get the hidden class that you can pick up by talking Jootold at the Grinmeer Rouste Field. You will then have to defeat all the other contestants in Berna's Arena before going back to learn this hidden class.
How to get the Barbarian (Warrior) hidden class.
Hoevendorp's Arena, Grinmeer Province

You will find the quest Spiritual Heir at the Grinmeer Stables by speaking to Madeltruda. After you have triumphed at the Hoevendorp Arena, return here to learn the barbarian hidden class.
Related: Wartales – A Complete Guide to Maps and Locations
How to get the hidden class Brawler (Brute).
Lisbeth's Arena, Drombach District

If you go to the Trapper's Hut high on Mount Ernst, you will meet Waltraud. She will ask you to take the crown by defeating all the enemies in Lisbeth's Arena (the quest is called Stealing the Show). Do that, return to Waltraud, and she'll teach you the Brawler specialization for the Brute class. If you go there before completing the arena, be sure to place a python right on the cliff edge north of the cabin to make it easier to get there when you return.
How to get the Tyrant (Pugilist) hidden class.
Oris's Arena, Belerion Archipelago

This hidden class is only available if you have the Pirates of Belerion DLC. The quest is called Eternal Glory and can be found in the Cutthroat Tavern, the only destination available on Terq Island (talk to Ailean the Gladiator internally). Oris' Arena is on Zawlin Island. You'll find Zawlin Island southwest of Per-Bast Island, while Terq Island is much further southeast.
How to use Hidden Class Specializations in Wartales

Using hidden classes is a relatively simple process once you've picked them up in Wartales. After completing one of the above quests, you will then see the new specialization automatically listed as an option for any companion who has that class (at either level 2 or level 3, depending on the base class of the specialization). You don't have to do anything to learn it after you've completed the quest (there's no item to use or Compendium entry to learn).
What can be more difficult is training one of your companions in the new secret class specialization if you don't want to take a new companion. It is possible to respect one of your peers, but it is not cheap. You must go to any of the Brother Training Centers (there is one in each region) and spend 500 Crowns for the 'Respecialization' option with the NPC there. For more information on this check out my Wartales respec guide.
For more help and information on Wartales here at Pro Game Guides check out Pugilist Build Guide – Wartales, Wartales – Best classes and how to use them, and much more!