
What are totems (run stones) and how to get them in anime -Renance

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Raids are one of the hardest, if not the most difficult, gameplay modes in anime. As they add new updates and units, the attacks are getting harder and harder. This is where the Totem system comes, valuable items that accelerate your statistics in attacks. Here’s a quick summary of how they can get totems in anime.

What are totems in Anime Reborn?

Anime Reborn Totems are items that give certain toads. Remember that totems are stackable up to 10which must influence your strategy for RAID depletion. Currently there is only one totem called Rune Stoneswhich increases your damage by 15%, but Only in golden pits. This means that if you stack 10 run stones, your damage will be increased by 150%.

Another great thing is that run stones are not consumable, you can keep them forever (unless the devs decide to remove them for some reason). Insert your robbery store -coin until you can buy the 10 totems, and only once you all focus on getting the EVO items.

Totems like Rune Stones have to make the golden employment attacks empty, especially if you have the best anime -born units on your team.

How to get rune stones in an anime -renaming

Raid Shop in Anime Reborn.
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You can Buy Rune stones Totems in Anime Reborn.

  • Go to the Raids section Left of the Spawn Point.
  • You can find the Raid Shop NPC on the right as soon as you go down the stairs.
  • Choose the Golden Dungeon tank At the shop and you will see totems.
  • The Runa stone totem is at the end of the list, and each costs 50 Raid coin.

When you have at least a few totems, go to the tail rooms and start emptying the Golden Dungeon deposits to get secret units as well as EVO items for SJW and other lonely units.

That’s all about totems in Anime Reborn. If you are looking for free, check an anime -born codes, and if you want to know how to evolve a unit, look at our Anime -Ren -born development guide.

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