What does the Bad Omen effect do in Minecraft and how to get it

The release of Minecraft 1.21 transformed the Bad Omen effect to match the new Trial Chambers.
What is the Bad Omen effect in Minecraft?
There are two main things that the Bad Omen effect does. The first use relates to Attacks on villages while the second activates the Ominous version of the Process Chambers.
With the Omen effect active, entering a village will change the Omen into a Raid Omen. The Raid Omen will last 30 seconds before being destroyed and starting a Raid.
The amount of waves in the Raid will depend on the level of the Ominous Bottle used and the difficulty of the game.
- Ominous Bottle I: Attacks will last 3 waves on Easy difficulty, five waves on Normal difficulty, and seven waves on Hard difficulty.
- Ominous Bottle II-V: Attacks last 4 waves on Easy difficulty, six on Normal difficulty, and eight on Hard difficulty.

Ominous Trials
After activating the Bad Omen, approaching a regular Trial Spawner will transform it into a Trial Omen. This will turn nearby Trial Spawners into Ominous Trial Spawners, indicated by the blue flames they release.

All waves of enemies released by Ominous Trial Spawners are stronger than usual. If mobs can wear armor and hold weapons, they often spawn with enchanted gear. This armor will be decorated with the Armors available in the Trial Chambers and will have Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV and Fire Protection IV. Mobs that cannot carry gear will appear twice as often during the Trial. Once a Trial is completed, they will drop different loot, which may include an Ominous Trial Key.

Inauspicious Trial Keys to unlock Inauspicious Vaults, which contain rarer treasures than regular Vaults.
How to get the Ominous effect in Minecraft
The only way to get the Ominous effect is by consuming an Ominous Bottle. These bottles will always be a level between Level 1 and Level 5. Bottles of different levels look the same, but the length of their effects on Raids and Trial Chambers will be different. There are two ways to get these bottles and each will randomly drop an Ominous Bottle from any level.
Raid Captain
There are two ways you can get Ominous Bottles in Minecraft. The first way is by defeating a Raid Captain while not currently in a Raid. Raid Captains are differentiated from regular Rattlemen by the flags they carry. Bottles found this way will be between Level 1 and Level 5.

This is the easier option as you can either find a Thief Outpost or defeat randomly spawning Thieves. After defeating the Raid Captain, you may find an Ominous Bottle floating in the area where he died.

Trial Chambers
The second way you get Ominous Bottles is by finding them as a rare drop inside Trial Chambers. They will sometimes get after unlocking a Vault in the rooms. I managed to get an Ominous Bottle after opening about eight Trial Chambers Vaults.

After you got an Ominous Bottle, drink it to give yourself the Ominous status. Once activated, the effect will last for 1 hour and 40 minutes.

When the Ominous status takes effect, you will see the corresponding symbol in the upper right corner of the screen. If you want to get rid of it, drink a bucket of milk.

Want to get stronger before taking on the Trial Chambers? Check Out Best Enchantments in Minecraft – Best Armor, Sword, Pickaxe, Trident Enchantments & More! here in Pro Game Guides.