
Where to find 100% Blood quality in V Rising (Map)

Blood types in V Rising give your vampire many advantages. They help you heal as and when needed, along with giving you stat boosts. However, it is rare to find 100% blood quality in the game. Here are some areas where you can farm living creatures that hold this type of pure blood.

How to farm 100% Blood Quality in V Rising

Every time you attack an enemy and they turn hostile, there is a chance to feed on their blood. This allows you to store blood for yourself, so you can use it to heal later. It also provides you with certain benefits depending on the type of creature you feed on.

However, it is extremely rare to find a creature with 100% blood quality. The purer the blood, the better the statistics. Fortunately, there are few places on the map where you can find living creatures holding such blood.

Location of Gloomgrave Village

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Dunley Farmlands is a popular place for beginners in V Rising. There are plenty of farmers here, and you can even find your first horse here. To find a worker or creature with 100% blood quality, go to Gloomgrave Village.

Worker’s blood

You can start farming for pure blood by simply attacking workers first and then feeding them. Remember that a worker’s blood can provide you with:

  1. 10-30% resource yield.
  2. 15-25% increased damage against resource items.
  3. 10-20% increase in galloping speed (when on mount).

Blood of a creature

on the other hand, creatures with high quality blood can give you:

  1. Movement speed of 3-5%.
  2. 10-25 resistance against the sun.
  3. 8-16% reduced damage.
  4. Improved health regeneration (100%).

Location of Silverlight Hills

V A rising place for pureblood farming in Silverlight Hills.
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Fortunately, three of the main blood types are best found in one place (Region of Silverlight Hills). While you can farm anywhere in this region, search Brighthaven; all three blood groups (Brutes, Rogues, Warriors, and Draculins) spawn here with almost 100% blood quality.

The blood of Brutus

A good quality Cattle blood type will provide:

  1. 6-12% primary attack (living leech) boost.
  2. A chance to gain 8-16% increased primary attack speed while also grabbing a level boost for your gear.
  3. 15-30% increase in healing.
  4. 20% movement boost and physical damage improving by 20%.
V A rising character feasting on the blood of an enemy
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The blood of a rogue

Brighthaven is also home to rogues with good blood quality. Feeding on their blood will give you:

  1. 0-20% critical strike chance (weapons).
  2. 15% movement speed, along with 30% Veil cooldown recovery. Additionally, you also have the chance to make a 100% critical strike during the next attack.

Blood of a warrior

Pureblood warriors in this region provide you with:

  1. 15% increased physical power.
  2. 20% increased weapon skill cooldown rate.
  3. 12% reduced damage taken.
  4. Increased attack (25%) when dealing damage to enemies that have full health.
  5. 10% chance of parrying.

the blood of Draculin

For those of you looking for the best health benefits, eating purebred dragonflies will give you:

  1. 40-80% increase in Blood Mend.
  2. Movement speed is likely to increase by 20%
  3. 10-20% increased damage to any enemy below 30% health.

Mosswick Village location

V Rising Mosswick Village marked on map for blood group farming.
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Pure blood from a scholar can be a little hard to find, but not if you are at Dunley Farmlands. To the west, there is a small place called Mosswick Village where you can find them wandering around. Start feeding on their blood, and you’ll notice some major improvements in your stats.

For all you wizard-vampires out there, drinking a scholar’s blood (100% quality) can give you:

  1. 20% increased spell power as well as cooldown recovery rate.
  2. 10% live leech spell.
  3. 15% chance to reset your spell counts after casting.

All enemy types, blood types, and where to find them in V Rising

For your convenience, we have assembled all the above information in one place below, for easy reference.

Enemy type States Location
creatures 3-15% movement speed Gloomgrave Village
10-25 resistance against the sun
8-16% reduction in damage taken
100 improved health regeneration
Workers 10-30% resource yield Gloomgrave Village
15-25% increased damage against resource items
8-16% reduced damage
Brutes 6-12% primary attack (living leech) boost Silverlight Hills
Chance to gain 8-16% increased primary attack speed while also picking up a level boost for your gear
15-30% increase in healing
20% movement boost and physical damage improving by 20%
Crooks 0-20% critical hit chance (weapons) Silverlight Hills
15% movement speed, along with 30% Veil cooldown recovery
100% critical strike on the next attack
Warriors 15% increased physical power Silverlight Hills
20% increased weapon skill cooldown rate
12% reduced damage taken
Increased attack (25%) when dealing damage to enemies that have full health
10% chance of parrying
Dracula 40-80% increase in Blood Mend Silverlight Hills
Movement speed is likely to increase by 20%
10-20% increased damage to any enemy below 30% health
Experts 20% increased spell power as well as cooldown recovery rate Mosswick Village
10% live leech spell
15% chance to reset your spell counts after casting

For more V Rising guides like this, like The best tips for Solo Play, look no further than Pro Game Guides.

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