Where to Find All Elemental Shrines in Fortnite

The Water Chakra challenges have dropped in Fortnite as part of the Avatar crossover and that means there's a ton of XP and cosmetic goodies up for grabs if you complete them. One challenge tasks players with visiting an elemental shrine, so we've got a map marked with all the locations below so you can figure out which one is easiest for you to get to from wherever you drop off the Battle Bus.
All Elemental Shrines in Fortnite x Avatar
There are eight Elemental Shrines in Fortnite, located mostly around the edges of the map, as well as one towards the center. You can see their locations on the map and we've included what they actually look like in the game in the screenshot below.
This list includes all the places you'll find an Elemental Shrine in Fortnite:
- North of Rebel's Roost
- West of Classy Courts
- Top of a mountain in Grand Glacier
- Northeast coast of Olympus
- south of the center of Olympus
- South of Snooty Steppes
- West of Pleasant Piazza
Once you arrive at one of the shrines, simply approach it and the challenge will appear. There is no interaction to be done here, making this an incredibly easy challenge to complete.
Completing the challenge will get you 350 Chi. This can be used to unlock the various cosmetic rewards offered by the Avatar tab at the top of the lobby screen.
The rest of the Water Chakra challenges aren't all that difficult either, tasking players with dealing 1,000 damage to opponents with the Water Banding Mythic, landing on water from the bus twice, getting 25 passing heals with Water Banding entering water, destroying a cabbage cart . , restoring 500 shields and surviving 10 storm circles. With a little dedication to completing them, you can probably do them in a session or two. You'll probably also just mark them naturally as you play during the Fortnite x Avatar event.
That's all you need to know about Fortnite Elemental Shrine locations. Be sure to check out our rarest Fortnite skins, and rarest emote lists, as well as what's in the Item Shop tomorrow.