
Where to find Chalky, Foamy and Cookie in Zenless Zone Zero

Zenless Zone Zero lets you choose your weeklies, with options that involve photos of cute cats around Sixth Street. This is where you can find Chalky, Foamy and Cookie, which can be a little hard to spot!

Chalky, Foamy and Cookie places in Zenless Zone Zero

The cats will appear only after you have selected the Weekly Custom Schedule related to them. Once you have completed the weekly task, the cats will disappear from your world after the time changes. You can make them reappear when you choose to photograph them in the next weekly reset, but remember that you can only accept two weekly tasks at a time.

Don’t forget to take pictures of Chalky, Foamy and Cookie when you spot them to complete the commission!


  • Zenless Zone Zero arrow indicating cat location

According to the commission code, Chalky is located next to the arcade. Go to the left side of Godfinger, where the arrow points up, to find Chalky next to a wall full of graffiti.


According to the commission evidence, Foamy is supposed to be located near the pipes. Those are on the alley to the right of Godfinger. Go to the area where the arrow is pointing up to see Foam sitting on the big pipes.

A cookie

Zenless Zone Zero arrow indicating cat location
Image by Pro Game Guides

According to the commission indication, Cookie is supposed to be located near the Noodle Shop on Sixth Street. Go to the right side of the shop to find the cat sitting on the delivery motorcycle.

How to choose weekly tasks in Zenless Zone Zero

Zenless Zone Zero weekly tasks
Image by Pro Game Guides

Zenless Zone Zero makes the weekly grind easier by allowing you to create a Weekly Custom Schedule, which involves choosing two tasks to complete before each weekly reset. Whether you want to take photos of cute cats around Sixth Street or battle Ethereals, head to the Proxy Primer’s Commissions section (F2 on PC) to select your weekly tasks. The feature will automatically unlock once you have progressed in the main story.

For more on ZZZ, check out our guide on How to complete route planning in Survivor Rescue – Zenless Zone Zero here in Pro Game Guides.

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