Where to find Grendag Brightbeard in WoW Season of Discovery

In Season 3 of Discovery, players will finally be able to purchase the Dual Talent Specialization to quickly switch between two talent trees outside of combat. To buy it, however, you'll need to find the NPC that sells it.
How to buy Dual Talent Specialization
There aren't many prerequisites for taking Dual Talent; you will need to be level 40 and willing to pay 50 gold for the skill. And you will need to find the NPC named Grendag Brightbeard, which is located in Ironforge for the Alliance toons and Orgimmar for Horde. He was originally located in Taranis, at Steamweedle Port, but he seems to be no longer there at the time of writing.

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How to Use Dual Talent Specialization

After interacting with Grendag Brightbeard and picking up Dual Talent Specialization, you will then gain access to a second skill tree. This secondary tree will have the same number of points as the first, allowing you to create different specs that you can quickly switch back and forth between without spending gold. That way, if you want to be able to quickly switch between, say, a healing spec for you Paladin to Ret and back again depending on what you and your guild do or need.
For more Season of Discovery, check out WoW SoD – Best hunter pet in WoW Classic Season of Discovery in Pro Game Guides.