WoW Season of Discovery: All Mage rune locations

Each new season of World of Warcraft introduces new ways to upgrade your characters. Magic-using classes have welcomed the Runes, so here are the locations of all the Mage runes in WoW Season of Discovery.
All Mage Runes Locations in WoW Season of Discovery
World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery introduced Runes as a way to upgrade your characters above level 40. Runes brought some major change in power hierarchy, making classes like Hunter the most powerful. Mages who were powerful from the start gained serious power with new Runes. Now, let's see what Mage Runes are and where to find them.
Rune | effect | How to get |
Balefire Bolt | A burst of raw magic that distorts reality. Each bolt you use within 30 seconds of the previous one will have a 10% increase in damage, but it will cost you 10% of your spirit. | You need the Enchanter Spatial Repair Scroll or Mage Scrolls. Closing Fel Portals with the Scroll of Spatial Repair will give you the Balefire Bolt Runes. |
Move | Teleports you back to Blink's casting location. It also resets Blink's cooldown. But you can use it within 10 seconds of casting Blink | Use Worldcore Fragments or Scroll of Geomancy to channel in four Ley Crystals. |
Molten Armor | t deals Fire damage, increases your Crit chance by 5% and reduces the chance to get Crit by 5% | You must achieve Friendly standing with the Emerald Wardens faction before you can purchase the Rune from one of the Emerald Wardens Quartermasters. |
Advanced Warding | Mana Shield, Frost Ward, and Fire Ward magnitudes are increased by 100%, and mana cost for Mana Shield is 50% lower per damage. | Collect three Wild Sacrifices in Gamaggan's Quest. First, you must obtain Wildwhisper Draft by killing elite trolls in Jinth'Alor in the Hinterlands. |
Deep Freeze | Stuns a Frozen target for five seconds. Damages targets that are immune to Stun. | This Rune continues the Greater Friend of the Library quest, and you must find eight more books scattered around the world. |
Temporal anomaly | A globe of temporal energy that shields allied units every two seconds. | Start a Litteracy Quest Lesson and collect 8x Farraki Papyrus, 5x Zukk'ash Resin and a Pristine Owlbeast Quill. |
WoW Season of Discovery Balefire Bolt Rune Location
You must close the Fell Portal using Scrolls of Spatial Repair. You can get the scrolls created by Wizards, bought at Auction House or obtained as a random prize from Decype ng Mage Scrolls. After receiving a Scroll of Spatial Repair, use it to close one of the Fallen Doors around Azeroth. There are several versions of Fel Portals, and their locations are as follows:
- Fur Sliver – Barrens, Westfall, Darkshore, Silverpine Forest
- Fur Split – Barrens, Ashenvale, Redridge Mountain
- Fur Tear – Swamp of Sorrows, Desolace
- Skin Scar – Feralas, Azshara, Blasted Lands
Related: How to get and where to use Explorer Imp in WoW Season of Discovery
WoW Season of Discovery Move Rune Location
There are four Ley Crystals that you need to channel to get the Movement runes. To channel a Ley Crystal, you can use Worldcore Fragments from Imp explorations or a Scroll from Geomancy. The locations of Ley Crystals are as follows:
- Feralas: The High Wilderness, /way 57 60
- Hinterlands: North of the Altar of Zul, /road 48 59
- Azshara: Southwest mountains near The Unfortunate Ridge, /way 22 79
- Burning Throat: /path 55 65
WoW Season of Discovery Molten Armor Rune Location
To get a Molten Armor Rune, you must become Friendly with Emerald Wardens. Once you do that, you can buy it from Emerald Warden Quartermasters for 1x Gold and 60x Silver. Quartermaster Kyleen is in Ashenvale, Alandra is in The Inner Lands, Valdane is in Feralas, and Falinar is in Duskwood.
WoW Season of Discovery Advanced Warding Rune Location
Go to Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood (/path 51.5 82), and select The Wild Gods Shadowtooth Emissary quest. Then, exit to Jinth'Alor in The Inner Lands and kill elite trolls to get a Wildwhisper Draught. Then, exit to Razorfen Downs, clear the area, and drink Wildwhisper Draft to summon the Spirit of Agamaggan. Agamaggan will give you a quest to collect three Wild Sacrifices. Once you've done that, return to Shadowtooth Emissary to get the Rune.
WoW Season of Discovery Deep Freeze Rune Location
Deep Freeze Rune is part of the Greater Friend of the Library quest, in which you must find and read many books around Azeroth. Given that you have collected all the books before Season of Discovery, there are eight more for the Deep Freeze Rune.
- Blood Sorcery – It is in Swamps of Sorrow (/way 70 51)
- Legends of the Tidesages – It is located in Tanaris (/way 72.6 47.8)
- The Liminal and the Arcane – It is in Feralas; look in Book (/path 50.6 15.7)
- Everyday Etiquette – This one is in Azshara (/way 20.7, 62)
- Stonework Design – The book is in Blackrock Depths, in the middle of Iron Vault.
- Poisonous Journeys – It is in the Inner Lands (/way 36 72.7)
- Mind of Metal – In Roaring Throat (/way 37.8 49.6)
- The Conjurer's Codex – It's in Blasted Lands (/way 55.3 32.2)
WoW Season of Discovery Temporal anomaly Runic Place
You can get a Temporary Anomaly Rune after you reach level 42. You need to start A Lesson in Literacy quest from Garion Wendell in Stormwind City if you are an Alliance player or from Owen Thadd in Undercity if you are part of Horde. Regardless of which side you are on, your requirements are the same:
- Get 8x Farraki Papyrus from Zul'Farrak
- Get 5x Zukk'ash Resin from buggers in Feralas
- Get 1x Pristine Owlbeast Quill from Owlkin in the Hinterlands
Once you've collected all the items, return to your quest giver, and you'll receive the Temporary Anomaly Rune.
For more related guides, check out WoW Season of Discovery Blackfathom Deeps (BFD) loot table on Pro Game Guides.