
A Ghibli-inspired management simulation is just what you need and it’s live on Kickstarter

If you’re a fan of Studio Ghibli movies, chances are you enjoy a good cozy game to play while you longingly imagine a world full of delicious food, inspiring landscapes, and wholesome characters. Now imagine that, combine it with a hotel management simulator, and you have Hotel Galactic.

Described by its developers as a ‘Compassionate Love Letter to Management Sims’, Hotel Galactic is a fantasy-based management simulation game where players can build their own hotel, host travelers from across the galaxy who need a place to rest, and play in the. surrounding area

Screenshot via Ancient Forge

It’s so nice to see a management game that doesn’t force you to stay in one building for its duration. With Hotel Galactic, you’re encouraged to explore the ecosystem outside of your hotel, and that includes harvesting resources, gardening, and adding new animals to your intergalactic homestead.

Hotel Galactic started operating Kickstarter on July 9, 2024. Within just 24 hours of the Kickstarter going live, the team saw over 500 people pledge to their goal so they could bring this new world to life in the best way possible.

Designing your hotel in Hotel Galactic.
Screenshot via Ancient Forge

This is much more than another management simulation game. You can build the hotel from the ground up, improve its layout to suit your guests as the hotel grows, change the decor of the rooms and move your staff so they are in the best place.

As if that wasn’t enough, the game also has a cooking feature – which, let’s be honest, if you’re going to create something inspired by Studio Ghibli, it needs food! You will be able to use your resources and the kitchen you create to prepare dishes for your guests, and deliver them personally!

However, not everything is sunshine at Hotel Galactic. The end of the teaser for the game hints at some sinister characters, although nothing else has been revealed yet.

It looks like Hotel Galactic won’t be coming to our screens until 2026, so remember to follow their social media sites to stay updated.

Can’t wait until Hotel Galactic comes out? Here are some recommendations from Pro Game Guides for console games that are out now or about to be released this year: 10 Best Nintendo Switch Games of 2023 and 10 Best Games Coming to PC in 2024.

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