All 10 Christmas Gift Locations in Anime Defenders

In Anime Defenders, the main quest to open the unique Christmas map is to open all the Christmas Gift locations scattered around the lobby. While some are easy to obtain, others require intensive searching! So, if you’re still looking for specific gifts, here’s a guide to help you find all the gifts in the game.
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Where are the Christmas Gift Locations in Anime Defenders?
Below, you can find all the Christmas Gifts in Anime Defenders, which is the easiest way to get them all.
Location 1
- You can find the first Gift behind the first Christmas Tree in the Game Room.
Place 2

- You can find the Gift behind the Manufacturing table in the Summoning Room.
Place 3

- Gift is located behind the Trade Portal in the main lobby.
Place 4

- You can find this next to a tree near the trade portal.
Place 5

- This one is located right at the entrance of the Raid portal area.
Place 6

- Go behind the Athyenx Realm Portal to find a Gift.
Place 7

- Near a small garden bush on the right side of the Headboards.
Place 8

- Behind the Wishing Fountain at the Center of the Map.
Place 9
- Behind the Golden Tree area on the left side of the map before the Game Area.
Place 10

- This one is the hardest, as it is on top of the Mainboard building. Climb the right pillar of the Main Board with the jump button and move to the left side until you reach the ledge, as shown in the image above. Go as close as possible and click the to present collect it
For more on Anime Defenders, Check Anime Defenders Tier List – All Units Ranked or All Features in Anime Defenders – Roblox
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