Best loadouts for all meta weapons in XDefiant

Rocking the best meta weapons with the most up-to-date loadouts is paramount to achieving victory in Ubisoft’s latest free-to-play title XDefiant. Lucky for you, below is a rundown of the best loadouts for six meta weapons in this fast-paced shooter.
Best XDefiant loads for M16A4, AK-47, ACR 6.8, MP5A2, MP7, & TAC-50
For a free-to-play shooter, there’s a dizzying amount of weapons to choose from in XDefiant – 24 to be exact. I distilled a list of the six best weapons in the game now, offering a nice spread of assault rifles, SMGs, and sniper rifles to suit all playstyles. In addition to that, I include the best secondary weapon and device pair together with your primary weapon of choice. So, without further ado…
Best M16A4 loadout
- Muzzle: Compensator
- Optics: Reflex View
- Stock: Padded Stock
- Front Rail: Tactical Hold
- Barrel: Rapid Fire
Device & Secondary
- Device: strawberry pomegranate
- secondary: 93R
A classic in countless online shooters, it’s hard to go wrong with the M16A4. Its powerful a fire broke out, which is certainly not for everyone, can almost one-shot opponents with a well-placed headshot. The load I highlighted above increases the stability of the assault rifle at the same time minimizing recoil. The Rapid Fire Barrel is therefore crucial here, increasing your fire by a nice 5%. This one is a no-brainer.
Best AK-47 loadout

- Barrel: Lightweight
- Front Rail: Pistol
- Optics: A reflex
- Magazine: Fast Mag
- Stock: Folded
Device & Secondary
- Device: Strawberry grenade
- Secondary: M9
The trusty old AK-47 makes its presence known in XDefiant. This construction emphasizes its light movement abilities thanks to the Light Barrel, reducing ADS time by 15%, thus providing you with a more responsive target; you will almost feel like you are locking onto targets. The Fast Mag will make reloading a total breeze, while the slightly lower rate of fire will make this assault rifle an absolute beast when handled by a marksman.
Best ACR 6.8 load

- barrel: Stabilize
- Optical: Reflex
- Front Rail: Small Vert
- Stock: Light
- Rear Grip: Grip Tape
Device & Secondary
- Device: Frag grenade
- secondary: M9
The ACR 6.8 is probably the most reliable and well rounded assault rifle in XDefiant at the moment, making it an essential pick in the meta. It deals medium damage both up nearby and at a distance, making it a versatile choice. The load on top gives it an extra competitive edge by making it lighter, allowing you to chase down enemies. And if you need ammunition – always remember that you have the reliable one M9 pistol at your side.
Best MP5A2 load

- Barrel: Chrome Lined
- Magazine: Fast Mag
- Back Grip: Quick Drawing
- Stock: Lightweight
- Front Rail: Little Green
Device & Secondary
- Device: Flash Grenade
- Secondary: M9
If longer range SMGs are more your thing, then you should go with the MP5A2. This gun is for more tactical players out there who prefer to deal with medium or even long distance encounters. However, this loadout’s Fast Mag, Quick Draw and handy Lightweight Stock also make it very viable at short range, blowing away enemies before your very eyes. I find this to be a very well rounded loadout and weapon if you want to experiment with SMGs.
Best MP7 download

- Muzzle: Barrel Extender
- Stock: Precision Stock
- Magazine: Fast Mag
- Rear Grip: Quick Draw Grip
- Front Rail: Superlight Grip
Device & Secondary
- Device: Flash Grenade
- secondary: M9
The light and breezy counterpart to the MP5A2, the industry classic MP7 is for all those aggressive players out there, running around the map and picking off enemies before they even know what hit them. Its lightning fast rate of fire, light handling and high damage output will make you a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield – as long as you’re an accurate shot! This is also a great weapon to hold goals in modes like Domination, Zone Control, and Occupy.
Best TAC-50 load

- Muzzle: Muzzle Booster
- Optics: CQBSS 8x
- Back Grip: Quick Draw Grip
- Stock: Light Stock
- Barrel: Rapid Fire
Device & Secondary
- Device: Near Mine
- Secondary: 93R
And finally, last but not least, is the TAC-50 sniper rifle. I would never forget those players who choose to hang out and lurking in the shadows, picking off clueless enemies before moving on their next sniper. This sniper rifle excels especially on larger maps, so be sure to have it ready when jumping into those games. Also crucial is the Near Mine to protect your position, as well as the 93R for when you have to get up close and personal.
Looking for the best ways to level up fast in XDefiant? Then be sure to check out XDefiant max level and how to level up fast in Pro Game Guides.