CoD has used up all its goodwill and players are hesitant to commit to buying Black Ops 6

Over the years Call of Duty has made a name for itself as the quintessential FPS and every year a new entry is released like clockwork. Unfortunately, the new releases slowly wore away all the goodwill of the franchise with constant bad updates, lackluster balance, low content drops and overwhelming microtransactions. This made the community feel hesitant about buying the much anticipated Black Ops 6.
Reddit user Luke_Skywalker_1977 jumped on the Call of Duty subreddit to ask whether or not people are interested in the upcoming Black Ops 6. Their question is based on the continuous decline of the Call of Duty franchise and the persistent community feeling that the games are simply ‘t meeting the wishes of the player base.
PapasvhillyMonster immediately jumped into the thread saying, “I can’t trust any big gaming company anymore with the crappy quality they’ve been putting out for the last few years now.” Many players agree with his statement, as the comment reached more than 50 upvotes immediately.
As someone who has played every CoD, I feel the same way with the release of the remastered trilogy. While Modern Warfare 2019 gave us Warzone, it still didn’t hit the right marks despite coming closer than its sequels; Modern Warfare 2 (2022) and 3 (2023) were underpowered, unimaginative, and creatively bankrupt. So it’s no wonder why gamers aren’t happy to hear that CoD is returning to Black Ops and that Treyarch is the one with their hands on the wheel.
When asked if they were interested in the next installment of Call of Duty, user Carnifex217 said: “Probably not, care less and less about cod these days.”
HideOnBook jumped in with a softer take than the others, saying, “I’m always optimistic when it comes to Treyarch and they’ve had a long ** time to do this. But I don’t like buying $70 games so probably. no. I wish it the best .” They leave with the hope that the game does well, but in the end, $70 is too steep for a Call of Duty that can repeat the mistakes of the past.
Across the thread, players are airing their frustrations with the current iteration of CoD and reiterating that they simply aren’t willing to pay a steep price for a potential glitch.
There’s a lot Treyarch can do to earn goodwill with the player base. Toning down the invasive microtransactions, some support for casual game modes, an in-depth look at skill-based matchmaking, and much more. All we can do is wait and see if Treyarch can pull a rabbit out of a hat or if another year of mediocre content lies ahead.
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