
Complete final game guide for Rune Slayer

As you reach higher levels in Rune Slayer, you may be confused about what to do next. But there is a lot of hidden content that you can access when you start approaching Rune Slayer’s final game. So, to help you about this, here’s a complete final game guide for Rune Slayer and what you can do after you are above level 30.

How to access finish regions in Rune Slayer

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Place How to access
LakeSire Village Northwest of the Slime King Spawn Point.
A Knight Templar At the end of the village of Lakeshire.
Bahlgar Entry at the top of a Templar Tower of Knight.
Village beastman At the depth of Bahlgar.
The colossal In the center of the village of Beastman.
Troll -cave Outside the village Beastman.
Balgararon Chasm On the top of the Knight’s Templar.

In addition to the desert and the depths of Greatwood marches, there are Few regions hidden behind the boundaries of the initial areas. You can only access them after you approach the final game, namely after level 30 and more.

After you have killed the basses, your Next Poi be at the village of Lakeshire, Located to the northwest of the Slime King Spawn Point in the Grandwood Forest. There, you also gain access to the A Knight Templar a place that also leads you to the Village beastman, Which is the ideal place to start your end -of -game journey.

How to Farm Final Game Resources in Rune Slayer

Platinum Farm in Rune Slayer
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Item Reason How to get
Troll Head Used to put a late game armor (Milit -Troll -aro) By Slaying Hill Troll in Troll Cave (gives birth to every 5 minutes).
Platinum Used to get gold ores, debris and sapphire, all late games. Mined inside caves in Bahlgar and outside Beastman Village.
Lakewood Used to put weapons and people. Found from the trees on Bahlgar.
Lily Used to put Stash, a good finish item. Found around Beastman Village’s pond.
Volcanic ice Used to place a ring of fire resistance. Found in the caves of Balgaron Chasm.

How to optimize runes and gear in run killer

Rune in Rune Slayer
Image by Rune Slayer Roblox

Armors and most gears in Rune Slayer have a chance to come with rune slots. While this doesn’t matter much in the early game as you approach the late game, Runes is what allows you to me-maximum your construction optimally. Ideally, equipment can have up to six run slots, but you will realistically get about two to three about most items.

How to get finish runs

Larger runes Perks How to get
Allows you to exchange the look of your equipment Dropped by Rune Golem
We empty all equipped runes of equipment. Quest -reward
Changes the number of sockets from your equipment.
(Could destroy an item)
Dropped by an ancient demon.
+5 strength
+5 skill
+5% Physical Pierce
Dropped by Drogar
+2 strength
+2 stamina
+3% Physical Pierce
Dropped by a crocodile
+5 intellect
+5% fire attack
Dropped by imp
Dire bear
+2 stamina
+6% Physical Pierce
Dropped by a terrible bear
Goblin -Champion
+6 strength
+3% physical attack
Dropped by Goblin champion
An ancient demon
+5 stamina
+5% physical attack
+6% fire resistance
Dropped by an ancient demon.
King Mandrake
+3 intellect
+5 spirit
+10% concentration
Dropped by King Madrake
+8 strength
-5 intellect
+3 stamina
+5% magic resistance
Dropped by lycanthar

How to get an end game gear

Gear Perks How to get
Edge Wing
Physical Damage: 16
+16 force
+2 stamina
Dropped by Drogar.
Primordial ring
The more hungry you are, the higher Phy DMG -buffer your character gets. Fell from the terrible bear.
Physical Damage: 13
+23 skill
+5 stamina
+2% critical random
Passive: Critical successes with the Ragnarok leaks the noise of a dragon, slowing all goals by 40% for 6s.
Dropped by bassisco
Sandy shooter
Physical Damage: 18
+16 force
+4 stamina
Dropped by Lychanthar.
Old ring
+10% health -regeneration Dropped by an elder Treant.
Sanguine blade
Physical Damage: 12
+8 strength
+8 Sprint
Chance to bleed with success
Dropped by Vangar the killer.

How to level quickly in the final game

Lycanthar Exp farm for rune slayer
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Once you reach level 30, leveling later can be quite difficult, especially because the crowds in the starting areas do not provide as much exp. So, the Best point to level in the final game is outside the animal villageat the place in the image above. You can easily agro individual animal out there, and kill them one by one instead of being attacked by a crowd.

How to find and join the demon sect in Rune Slayer

Demon -sect in Rune Slayer
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The demon sect is the Best Late Game Fraction Join Rune Slayer. There are also other factions that you can join, you can check them out in this guide.

Getting here can be quite difficult, as it is located at the depth of the Balgar Chasm. So, here’s a guide on how to find it:

  1. Move to the Southwest of the entrance From the abyss until you reach a narrow bridge.
  2. Parkour through the bridges and Continue to move west. (Stop at Frost Hallow to Regent HP)
  3. Parkour down, jumping on the edges Until you see a red lantern.
  4. Follow the lanterns, so drop the washing waterfall reach the demonic sect.

For more about Rune Slayer Roblox, check out how to get a heavy leather in Rune Slayer or how to get Ragnarok in Rune Slayer at Pro Game Guides!

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