Elden Ring’s latest update massively nerfs two popular magic buffs

Magic has been overpowered in Elden Ring for quite some time, but despite some nerfs in previous patches, it has continued to hold. But with the game’s latest update that may no longer be the case, as two popular magic fans have been nerfed massively.
The latest Elden Ring 1.12 update adjusted many weapons, skills and the overall game balance. While some were minor adjustments, others were major, such as the Terra Magica witchcraft and the Cerulean Hidden Tear. The Terra Magica spell creates a magical spherical zone, where if spells are cast within it, it increases the damage of the spells. Before the update, the damage was 35% but now it is around 22%. On the other hand, the Cerulean Hidden Tear removed all FP consumption for a specific time when used in the Amazing Physics. Initially, it was for 15 seconds, then it was nerfed to 10, and now it is nerfed even more to about 6-7 seconds.
These nerfs definitely affect players with magic builds as these two made every magic spell overpowered, especially Comet Azur and Night Comet. You could basically cheese any boss with Comet Azur within seconds. A popular trend among magic users is using Comet Azur on Mohg, Lord of Blood, which you must defeat to access the DLC, with the Terra Magica and the Cerulean Hidden Tear buffs included. Mohg doesn’t even make it halfway to the player before it destroys him. Combining these is also useful for taking out other large enemies such as Ancient Dragons.
It’s definitely a huge blow to the mage community in Elden Ring because basically these two were the bread and butter of most mage builds and were called ”broken” because of how OP they cast any magic spell. Maybe, FromSoftware knew even with the previous updates, magic was overpowered and they decided to nerf it again in time for the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, where enemies will definitely be more difficult than in the base game.
While these are major nerfs to two magic buffs, magic spells by themselves are powerful enough to take out most enemies and bosses in the game as they are still amazing in terms of overall damage. Terra Magica and Cerulean Hidden Tear will continue to have their utility in boosting these magic spells, though not as much as before.
For more on Elden Ring, check out Everything you need to do before the Elden Ring DLC comes out here in Pro Game Guides.