Fortnite OG removes split feature

Have you ever joined a game that felt a little too easy? The enemy missed every shot, crouching as they marched and only built a simple wall and stairs in front of them. Well, that might be because you joined a bot lobby. Intentionally or not, with Fortnite OG Reload, we will say goodbye bot lobbies for good
Interestingly, bot lobbies have become less of a nuisance and more of a clutch for some players, allowing them to earn XP quickly and easily. In fact, they even go out of their way to force bot lobbies to happen in their BR modes for this very reason. If you’re wondering how you can do that in the new OG Reload, you’re going to be sadly disappointed. It was confirmed by a reliable leak source iFireMonkey on Twitter, those bot lobbies will not be supported in this new mode.
This means players will no longer be able to join bot-exclusive lobbies while queuing for Fortnite Reload. However, this does not mean that all bots will be completely removed. Bots can still appear in the Reload mode as additional players to fill the lobby, just like normal. You simply won’t be able to create a bot lobby even if you use the usual bot lobby cheese method.
In a way, this is for the best because OG Fortnite didn’t have leveling methods like we see in Fortnite today. This will force players to face more of a challenge, as reducing restart cooldowns in Reload will greatly depend on the eliminations you receive. Bot lobbies would be too easy, even easier than regular ones. If you want to continue using your bot lobbies, you can still do so in the regular modes (at your own discretion), or join some bot lobbie creation maps.
Want to read more about Fortnite? check Fortnite Roadmap 2024 or How to get Magneto skin in Professional Game Guides.