How to become a Painter in BitLife

To complete the Tortured Artist challenge, you must become a Painter in BitLife. Although this may sound complex, it is simple and requires only one criterion. So here is a short guide on how to quickly become a Painter in BitLife to finish your challenge.
How to get a job as a Painter in BitLife
Contrary to popular belief, a high school diploma is the only eligibility requirement to become a BitLife Painter. There is no need to attend Art College or obtain a master's degree. Go ahead and apply for a job right out of high school.
How to get a high school diploma in BitLife
After creating a life, your parents automatically enroll you in school after you turn 5 years old. Just get older after enrolling in elementary school every year until you reach high school and graduate. It is not necessary to study it well; getting a degree is enough. However, if you want to study well, you can use the Study Harder election each year before aging. Remember, please do not engage in criminal activities such as theft or GTA as it may lead to your suspension from school.
Related: How to become a Librarian in BitLife
How to get the Painter job in BitLife
After getting a high school diploma, the next step is to get a painting job. Go to the Jobs section and press the Full Time Jobs option. Now, in the list of vacancies, look for a post titled Jr. Painter or Apprentice Painter.
Once found, apply for the position and crack the interview by answering a simple question to secure the job. If you cannot find such a post, close the application or age to find a new set of Jobs.
That's it! You have become an apprentice Painter at BitLife. The next step is to get promoted by working harder and becoming an accomplished painter.
For more on BitLife, check out How to become a Roadkill Remover in BitLife or How to become a Professor in BitLife in Pro Game Guides.