
How to get the vault code and open the bank in dead rails

Dead Rails is an adventure game where you explore the dystopian world hunt for assets and solving puzzles. You may meet a bank with a locked vault at some point in your play. You can unlock the bank vault with a special code; That’s how.

How to get the vault code in dead rails

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During your research, pay attention to the bank building, as it may be reappears along the way. If you notice it, align the train and whip the area for some zombies. Take out the threats as you would use your weapons but Look for the zombie with a black upper hat. After you kill this special enemy, it will drop a note, ie Bank Combo. Notice the sequence down or memorize it and direct yourself to the bank.

How to open the bank vault in dead rails

Dead Rails Bank vault
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Just enter the bank comb or the vault code into the vault in the bank building and the safe will unlock. Inside you will find several gold poles and maybe some other assets. Therefore, the bank vault is definitely to be visited if you want to stack on multiple supplies quickly.

Can you open the bank vault in the lobby?

To my knowledge, the bank that gives birth during a match has a unique code that you need to get by winning the highest hat zombie. Therefore each vault has a different code and you cannot enter the combo of a previous match in your current deployment. Further, the bank vault that appears in the lobby is unavailable and doesn’t seem to have a code.

As you search the bank during your play, make sure you have the resources to support your efforts. Carry healing items such as snake oil and multiple weapons, maybe a rifle and a shotgun. This is because the bank usually attracts many zombies, because it is often located in a town. Moreover, if you explore at night, be ready to meet the animal wolves, which are larger and more powerful creatures. Having said this, you can use their bodies to feed your train engine. Even after all these difficulties that a player can face, I suggest going for the bank vault, as the robbery rewards considering the effort.

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