
Little Kitty, Big City Walkthrough (All achievements)

Little Kitty, Big City is the perfect cozy cat game for everyone except PlayStation gamers (because it’s not available on PlayStation 4 or 5 yet). In this wholesome, brightly-colored game, you get to run around as a little black cat who happens to be lost in a big Japanese city.

Head over to Little Kitty, Big City Walkthrough, Part 2 and Little Kitty, Big City Walkthrough, Part 3 to continue helping your little kitty through the maze that is this city after you’re done with here with Part 1.

A complete walkthrough for Little Kitty, Big City

Released on May 9, 2024, Little Kitty, Big City is a game about mischief, mayhem, and not being able to read a map because you have no opposable thumbs (and probably can’t speak human). Lost in a cute Japanese city full of unsuspecting victims — I mean, pedestrians — you need to try your best to get home. But what cat ever went straight home without being lured by food?

Distracted, this little kitty has decided that the world is their ball of yarn and that box looks too good not to jump in.

Getting started

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The crew at LKBC do recommend using a controller for this game, whether you’re playing on PC or not. Having used a keyboard and mouse to direct my cat around, I can definitely see the benefits of a controller, but it’s not a prerequisite if you don’t have one and want to play the game. This is the perfect gift for cozy game lovers if it’s not something you want to play yourself!

If you are going down the keyboard and mouse route, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the controls by going into Options—Gameplay—Remap Controls. Either leave them as they are or fiddle around with them until they feel okay.

There are three save slots — lucky you! Go ahead and pick one to start your game.

Watch in horror as the game starts and you realize exactly how this cat got lost to begin with. It was just one thing after another and then BOOM! Trash can.

Little Kitty, Big City walkthrough part 1: Starting the journey home

Little kitty yawning in Little Kitty, Big City.

Easier said than done, all things considered. A bird did kind of drop you…

I decided to start my game by breaking every flower pot I could see. This let me know that my first accessible achievement — cat-chievement — was Decluttering (smash 10 items). I have been encouraged to break things as a cat; I cannot be stopped.

There’s not much to do in the first house (which is the one immediately on your right after you get out of the trash can — the one with the flower pots). But if you walk straight and make a left, you’ll run into a puddle of water that your cat won’t enjoy at all.

Jumping away from water in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Look up, and you’ll see your first (second) bird! This funky lil’ fella has a speech bubble, so you need to get to him to talk to him.

Head back to the wall of the house and use the red postbox to jump up onto the wall. From here, you can meander along until you reach the crates at the end and then press and hold your jump button for a precision jump. This will allow you to reach the crates on the other side of the street.

Talking to the Crow

Crow complaining in Little Kitty, Big City.
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That’s right, it’s the crow from the beginning of the game (the one that carried you off and is now blaming you for the whole situation). Meeting him adds Hello Everyone! to your list of cat-chievements; you’ll need to meet 15 animals to complete this.

Well, the crow is flying away now expecting that you can follow him with your non-existent wings, so you’ll need to Find that crow, but there are a few other things to demand your attention in the meantime.

Your next stop is a painter’s garden, where there are more plant pots for you to knock off the wall and four paint cans for you to get your paws into.

Become an artist

Become an Artist achievement in Little Kitty, Big City.
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This next quest on your to-do list activates the moment you jump into the garden with the man and the paint cans. You can knock the cans over by swiping at them or walking into them.

Once one has tipped, walk into the paint and onto the canvas. I did this twice, walking around the canvas to put my little kitty paws allllll over it. This completed the Become an artist quest.

If you haven’t finished the Decluttering cat-chievement yet, you’re about to. From there, you get Smash Hit, which requires you to break 100 objects. Doable. Very doable.

Little kitty playing soccer in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Go to the end of the garden, pull the flower planter out of the way, and crawl into the gap in the wall.

One more thing for this area before we move on — see that mini green goal on the right? Yeah, push the ball into the goal for another cat-chievement — Back Of The Net (score every soccer goal, of which there are four in total).

Turn right at the goal, and walk down the path until you see a No Parking road sign (blue circle outlined in red with a red diagonal line through it). Just past this, there are four traffic cones next to each other and a yellow rubber duck. Collect the rubber duck, and head through the gap in the construction site fencing.

Turn right, walk up the street — be mindful of the puddles!

Find that crow

Crow yelling at a dog in Little Kitty, Big City.
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AND BE BARKED AT BY A GIANT DOG THREE TIMES YOUR SIZE. You’ll drop the duck here; remember where it is.

It’s time to barter. The crow has realised that you cannot climb, and has offered a deal: One Fish for 25 Shinies.

Crow telling little kitty where to find Shinies in Little Kitty, Big City.
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  • For traffic cones, you need to drag them out of the way. If you don’t get anything after three or four pulls, move on.
  • Shinies on the ground or on cars are pretty visible. Just go up to them and interact with them to collect them.
  • Any Shinies hidden in bushes are a little more difficult to find because they aren’t visible. You’ll need to explore and wait for the interaction button to pop up.

Collecting your first Shiny will make the cat-chievement Fat Cat available for you to complete (find 200 Shinies).

Getting your first hat

Ladybug hat in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Before you move on, take a look behind you. There’s a shining gacha ball on top of the green bus. This is your first hat, and it’s a fun way to get them. Gacha games are super popular in Japan, so it’s cute to see them here!

To get to it, you’ll need to go through the gap in the wall by the front of the bus. There’s a trash can you can dive in to make Dumpster Diving available in your cat-chievements list (investigate 10 trash cans). Jump on top of the large crates, jump down, turn left, jump up onto the crates and the bus to collect the Ladybug hat!

You can wear your hat by going into your inventory and clicking on the hat to wear it. Now you are a cat in a hat or, if you will, a Caped Crusader (collect all 42 hats).

You can have even more fun in this area by going down the street from the bus and interacting with the humans. Humans that aren’t looking down at their phones may get excited to see you and you can interact with them to get petted for the Cult of Purr-sonality cat-chievement to appear (get petted 10 times).

Finally, get in the way of humans on their phones to become a Trip Hazard (make 20 humans stumble). Watch out, though! If you don’t move quick enough, they will kick you while walking away. Rude.

Opening a gacha in Little Kitty, Big City.
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On the left of the split road, you’ll see two parked cars. One blue, one white. Head over to the other side of the white car to find another gacha ball. Voila! Your second hat: an apple hat!

Learning to catch birds

Meeting ginger cat in Little Kitty, Big City.
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As tempting as it is to continue the path to the left, follow the humans back the way you came and around the corner. You’ll end up in an area with a red vending machine, two blue birds that won’t stop trying to poop on you, and an orange cat.

You have found yourself a mentor, O’ Apple cat. Speak to the ginger kitty and they’ll tell you how to *ahem* hold the birds.

And, of course, one must remember the Bread Proposition.

  1. Obtain Bread.
  2. Use bread as bait for birds.
Being scared by another cat in Little Kitty, Big City.
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To find bread, you will need to stalk some humans. According to orange cat, bread is found in humans’ briefcases, pockets, and even in their hands!

Go forth and find a human; it’s time to catch a bird.

It might take a couple of tries to get bread by swiping at a human’s feet. I found it best going behind them and swiping. They’ll drop the bread — or the bagel, in this case — and go stomping off.

Leave the bread somewhere near the birds and walk away. They’ll come flying down and start pecking at the bread — this is when you strike!

Pouncing on birds in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Honestly, I wasn’t expecting the DRAMA of that pounce and I’m so happy about it. 10/10 for form.

Once the bird flies off again, it will drop a feather for you to collect. You’ll also find Bird Botherer on your cat-chievements list (catch and release 20 birds).

But we’re not quite done bothering birds yet. Remember that red vending machine? Jump up onto the crates next to it, then onto the vending machine. On your right, you can get to a piece of sheet metal, and then jump up onto the ledge where the second pink cloth is above you.

Finding new heights in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Walk along the ledge until you see a nest and bat it off the side. Not only will you get some Shinies, you’ll also have Sticky Business to attend to (bust 10 old birds’ nests).

Recycling in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Why not do a little bit of recycling while you’re here? For the Shinies. Pick up any cans you see and bring them to these blue recycling bins for Shinies. Recycle 100 items for the Litter Picker cat-chievement.

The construction zone

Little kitty climbing on construction beams in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Directly opposite the area with the red vending machine and the ginger cat is a fun construction zone where you can meet another new friend. Jump on up the barrels (found in the top right corner) and run along the planks to collect the two visible Shinies.

The one at the top needs a bit of precision jumping work, but it’s not too difficult to get. Jump to the right side of the structure, then up to the top.

Look down and you’ll see an animal struggling with life a bit.

Meeting Tanuki in Little Kitty, Big City.
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It happens to be a very chonky raccoon — sorry, Tanuki, they’re very specific — who is super happy for your help in pulling them out of the pipe.

Tanuki and little kitty in Little Kitty, Big City.
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And the Tanuki’s a nerd. It’s GREAT.

The Tanuki is an inventor and they can smell the feather on you. They need three feathers and then they can show us how they’re using them to distort spacetime. I’m not kidding at all.

BUT BEFORE WE GO. There’s a box. I’ve wanted to do this since I saw the trailer:

If I fits, I sits achievement in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Find four more boxes to complete If I Fits, I Sits.

Moving on. Take the scissors with you. You have your second request: Get more feathers.

While you’re waiting for humans with bread, I highly recommend running at one with the pair of scissors for Killer Kitty (run at a human with a dangerous object). You can also find more cans to deposit in the blue recycling bin next to the red vending machine, and get some of the other humans to pet you or trip them up, so you’re doing a few things at once instead of just one.

For another cat-chievement while you’re working on those, meow 10 times in a row for What Sweet Music.

When you’re ready, go back and give the Tanuki the feathers.

They straight-up make a portal.

The First Petwork Portal

The first Petwork portal in Little Kitty, Big City.
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This first Petwork portal only goes to the other side of the construction site fence, but it was made where there was a cute circle with artwork on it. We’ve passed a few of these already, so… Connect the dots.

For now, hop in, and you’ll reappear in…

The Petwork portal in in Little Kitty, Big City.
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The trash?

Tanuki then reveals that there’s no return journey yet, so you’ll need to keep moving forward.

Walk straight, collect the Shiny to your right, and leave through the exit on the right. Oh, look! you’re on the other side of another puddle that you couldn’t get past!

The construction worker here has a short temper. Get in his way and he’ll pick you up and move you back to the entrance. Slightly annoying, but you do get the And Stay Out! cat-chievement (get kicked out of a store).

Sneak back in, follow the construction gear around to the left, and step down between the metal pipes. Step back up onto the wet concrete, and get the Industrial Artist cat-chievement (leave your paw prints in wet concrete).

Meeting Beetle in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Walk up the plank until you get to the top and meet a Beetle who has, apparently, made a mistake.

Beetle's hashtags in Little Kitty, Big City.
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The more I play this game, the more I’m sure it’s aimed at those of us on the Millennial-Gen Z cusp. It just has our sense of humor.

Talking to Beetle in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Okay, but now it’s getting too real and I want to walk away from this but I CAN’T. I didn’t think I was going to be called out in a gremlin cat game.

Jump back down and go through the crawlspace opposite the construction site entrance. There’s a bone there; grab it and head over to the dog that’s on the other side.

Jumping for a gacha in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Give A Dog A Bone (give three dogs a bone) by putting it in his bowl and then run up the metal staircase to your right. this will give you access to your third gacha ball and another nest you can destroy.

The hard hat in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Get the nest first and then jump to get the gacha ball from the top of the stairs.

But wait, there’s more.

Jump down, run past the doggo, and your fourth gacha ball is waiting for you. I got the Corn Hood, and I’ve never regretted anything more in my life. To get my spirits back up, I got my cat to dive into the nearby trash can. There’s a Shiny on top of the roof of the green car, by the way.

Time to get Beetle a phone!

Head over to the left side of the construction site and move the blue box. There’s a hole you can crawl through to get back to civilization.

It’s also here that you’ll finally locate the purple soccer ball needed for the purple goal next to the red vending machine (anyone else feel like they’re repeating a weird code?). If you’re lucky, one of the passing humans will be nice and help you by kicking the ball to you as you’re moving it. The To Me, To You! achievement is easily won here (get a human to kick a ball to you).

Trip up a random human, steal their phone, and run off with it.

Stealing a pink phone in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Once you get it back to Beetle, they’ll teach you how to take photos with your muddy new phone — and you’ll get the Snap Happy cat-chievement once you take one. To achieve Papa-cat-zi, you’ll need to take 20 photos with your new phone.

Dropping a phone in a portaloo toilet in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Speaking of phones, go get another one and drop it in the portapotty. Splish.

Get some cat-chievements in the Market

Little kitty standing on fruit in Little Kitty, Big City.
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After leaving the construction zone through the gap again, turn right and follow the humans down the road. This area is great for finishing the following cat-chievements: Trip Hazard and Cult of Purr-sonality.

If you’re going for Bird Botherer, as well, try to get Cat-like Reflexes by catching a bird while they’re in flight. You can do this by timing your pounce just right when a second or third bird is landing by a piece of bread. I found that trying it again with just one bird meant the bird was more likely to see me coming.

Another cat-chievement that’s good for this area is Local Celebrity (get photographed 20 times by humans), which you can complete by meowing at humans with a phone in their hand. Surprise (trip a human over by jumping on them) will take a few attempts. I found it best to aim for the back of their legs and just continuously running and jumping at them.

Lastly, run head-first into the two vending machines by the fruit and vegetable crates for the Who Needs Cash cat-chievement.

If you’re feeling a little turned around, this area is the road to the left of the white car — where we picked up our second gacha ball hat. If you run around the fruit stall, you’ll see the white car again.

Targeted precision jump in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Backtrack a bit; do you see that red gate on the right-hand side of the fruit stall? We’re jumping it. Jump into the plant pot on the right of the gate, precision jump upwards so you’re on the higher part of the plant, and then precision jump to the left edge of the gate — the jump markings need to be slightly over the gate.

There’s your fifth gacha ball: the Banana hat. You’re welcome! Now, you have a decision to make. You can either climb up the crates and up to the first vent to jump out… Or, you can keep climbing.

Let’s keep climbing.

Precision jump in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Climbing these units isn’t an exact science in Little Kitty, Big City. As long as you can get close enough to the edge of the next place you want to jump, your little cat should be able to pull themselves up. Some jumps are slightly too far apart or too far up, so you need to angle the jump.

Explore the rooftop, head over to the far side of the gray roof and look down to the first platform. There’s a Shiny. If you look over to the right, there are more Shinies on the roof overhangs. Just jump your way down and across to get them all until you’re back by the construction site.

Little kitty on an overhang in Little Kitty, Big City.
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It’s time to talk to the fruit stall cat, A.K.A Mayorrrr.

Mayorrr describing what cats are in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Mayorrrr understands what being a cat means. And he hates jam jars, so now it’s your job — as Deputy — to smash them all.

There are three very obvious jam jars around the fruit stall. None of them are difficult to get to; all of them are very smashable.

Yuck emote in Little Kitty, Big City.
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As thanks for smashing them, Mayorrr will teach you the ‘Yuck’ face.

Try out the Yuck face and you’ll get another achievement: Can’t Stop The Feelings (use an emote).

Before you leave the market, grab a banana from the crate near Mayorrr. Place it on the ground in a high foot-traffic area and just wait. And wait. It takes a while but you should get Fruit Fall, which is achieved by making a human slip on a banana.

From Mayorrr, head straight on past what looks like a bus stop shelter and through the gate on the right. There’s another trash can for you to jump in, and two crawlspaces.

The one on the right brings you to a beautiful Japanese garden with a sunspot. You can hear bells chiming in the wind.

Sunbathing in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Unlock the Cat Napper cat-chievement by napping in the sun. You’ll need to find 6 more nap spots to complete this.

Once you’re ready, jump up onto the crates, break the plant pots, and meet the Chameleon!

Green Chameleon in Little Kitty, Big City.
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We’re not heading straight to the construction site to see the Chameleon again, though. While you’re near the roof, continue the path up to find more Shinies and another nest.

Portaloo blue Chameleon in Little Kitty, Big City.
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Now you can head back to the construction site where Beetle was. The Chameleon is in the portapotty.

There’s a third rhyme for the Chameleon but it’ll have to wait.

Looking for more cozy games to play? Check out these amazing Pro Game Guides: 10 Best cozy games coming to PC in 2024 and 10 Best Cozy Nintendo Switch Games of 2023.

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