“New photo” treasure (Map) in Wuthering Waves

While exploring the Dim Forest region in Wuthering Waves, you can come across a campsite and pick up three different maps, all of which will lead you to Supply Chest locations. I will show you where to find the treasure marked on the map called “New Photo”.
Where to find New Photo Treasure in Wuthering Waves
Start by going to the Resonance Beacon north of Violet Banyan, northwest of the Thorn Passage. The area is located in the Dim Forest region in the southernmost part of the world map. Once there, you must front northwestwhich you can determine by the direction of the yellow map pointer indicating your location.

After facing northwest, go forward by a few steps find yourself at the edge of a shallow cliff overlooking a brilliant research site. Interact with the glowing dot dig and reveal a Standard Supply Chest that you can open for rewards.
How to get a New Photo Map in Wuthering Waves
Go to the Resonance Beacon between Lollo Warehouse and the Thorn Passage – its exact location is marked above. Once there, you’ll immediately find yourself at an abandoned campsite, where you can inspect an old newspaper and pick up three maps: Brand New Photo, A photo covered in scratches, and a photo stained with blood. These will end up in the Quest section of your Backpack, and clicking the to use button will allow you to view each of the maps.
To find more interesting things in WuWa, check out our compilation of All Ghostly (Glowing) Echo Locations in Wuthering Waves – Map here on Pro Game Guides.