The world’s first dauntless Shadow of the Erdtree final boss run has been achieved

Everyone knew it was going to happen, but I certainly didn’t expect it to take one player just a weekend to beat the last boss of Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC without getting beaten. The honor of this first successful no-hit boss fight goes to the player NathanSavageDamage.
NathanSavageDamage shared his feat on the Elden Ring subreddit and was met with both praise and disbelief. I find myself in both categories, amazed at the skill and dedication of this player but also annoyed that I can’t even beat the Masked Curseblade in the Gravesite Plains without getting hit once.
NathanSavageDamage’s video on the Elden Ring subreddit shows off his skill, as he parries and dodges each of Promised Consort Radahn’s and Radahn, Consort of Miquella’s attacks without a scratch. I felt bad for the bosses when NathanSavageDamage defeated them easily wearing a simple loin cloth. Those preparing to face the final boss can learn a lot from watching NathanSavageDamage’s execution and implementing those lessons.
What I noticed the most was NathanSavageDamage’s technique and patience. He focused on stopping the bosses’ attacks and then delivering a damaging strike while the boss was stunned. When the boss wasn’t stunned, NathanSavageDamage didn’t get greedy and did quick strikes before waiting for another chance to parry. I know I would panic or get greedy with my attacks, so seeing how collected this fight has definitely taught me to be more patient as I progress in my journey through the Land of Shadow.
After defeating the final boss of Shadow of the Erdtree, NathanSavageDamage reveals his weapons and gear to aid any aspiring players on their quest through the Shadow Realm. I doubt that using the same build will help my ability, but you can be sure that I’ll be keeping an eye out for the Flame Art Mercy Cord and Holy Twin Bird Kite Shield during my run.
For more information on Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, check out Does Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC have a scale? in Professional Game Guides.