Next character in The First Descendant teased, players suspect Dominique

Nexon teased a new successor on August 13, 2024, showing only a silhouette of the character and letting players know that she has ice abilities. With such a small amount of information, players were left to guess who this mysterious Descendant could be.
It is possible that the new Successor could be Dominique, and many players have gone ahead suggest this on Reddit and on the Twitter announcement post.
Dominque is found in Hagios with Blair, and another user on Reddit believes a leak revealed that she is in the Chill class, along with Viessa. Despite the predictions about weapons from players who have seen the sniper-like weapon the new character has, I don’t think the silhouette of the new Descendant matches what we’ve seen of Dominique so far. It is also unlikely that Nexon would redesign an existing character to release them as a Descendant.
If you compare the image of Dominque from the mission she gives and the silhouette, there are too many differences. Dominque always wears a hoodie, and we know she has bangs – neither of these features are shown in the silhouette image. There is also no shoulder armor, which is a fairly obvious part of Dominique’s clothing design.
Another suggestion was Captain Harris, but there are even more differences between the silhouette and the costume design of Captain Harris than Dominque’s design. Her hair is worn high, compared to the silhouette’s low bun-style hair, and the jacket doesn’t match.
It is more likely that Nexon has designed a new Successor to add to the list. It’s great to see another Chill attribute Descendant, considering so many Descendants don’t have attributes.
The most recent new Descendant, Luna, came to The First Descendant in Hotfix 1.0.5 at the end of July. We might be waiting a while until the next Descendant drops into the game, but I don’t think Nexon will keep us waiting too long.

For example, Luna was announced with a similar silhouette poster exactly a week before she was added to the game. Does this mean the new Chill Descendant will be in Hotfix 1.0.8? Guess we’ll find out soon enough.
Want to read more about The First Descendant at Pro Game Guides? Check out the changes to the game after the 1.0.7 Hotfix or The First Descendants Codes (August 2024).